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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

The Mystery Of The Magic Mormon Underpants

In honor of my douche bag roommate and his douche-like ways, (we’ll call him Jack because he brings his book of Mormon to the crapper with him) I wanted to discuss one of my favorite subjects: Magic Mormon Underwear! Today, I’ve collected several videos from different points of view to help shed a little light on this closely guarded Mormon Mystery!

3 Responses to “The Mystery Of The Magic Mormon Underpants”

  1. I have always wanted magic underwear… these mundane ones have no oomph

  2. Hhaa oh my god. I have never been creeped out and laughed so hard. Mormon Magical Underpants. What a bunch of fools. But the real question that should’ve been asked is whether the Magic Underpants protect you against real accidents: bed wetting and crapping in your pants at night. That’s where their real power should be.
    I’ll never look the same at Mormons again. You know when they tell you when you are speaking to a large audience to think of them naked and that will help you overcome your nervousness. Well now I’ll be thinking of the Mormons in their Magical Underpants!!

  3. If I had my own religion, I would make everyone wear track suits and nikes… Oh wait, Heaven’s Gate already did that and they’re having their wacky adventures across the cosmos now in the Starship Halebop.

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