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Posts Tagged ‘WWE

Words From The Ultimate Warrior

July 4, 2008

If any of you guys grew up during the 80’s, you must have some recollection of The Ultimate Warrior. This guy was awesome. Every kid that watched the WWF loved him. I recall being swept up with the sheer roid induced intensity of his character. He was one of a kind. Looking back, we can […]

Thor and Marvel Comics Movies on The Rise

May 19, 2008

Several names have been rumored to be in the running for Marvel Entertainment‘s 2010 release Thor. WWE Superstar HHH, Rome‘s Kevin McKidd and Brad Pitt! The plan is for Thor to join Iron Man, The Hulk and Captain America rumored to be played by Mr. Weed Smoker Naked Bongo Playing Beach Bum Actor, Matthew McConaughey […]