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Posts Tagged ‘singstar

Final, Final I Touch Myself

June 18, 2008

I honestly don’t know what to say about this… You’ll note the little finger gesture he does when he’s coming to the climax of the song LOL!

Eye Of the Tiger

June 4, 2008

This oughta get you inspired to start your day! Our Little Buddy Netcasty is really at the peak of his game here. Eye of The Tiger! He will astound you.

Final, Final, FINAL S.O.S.

May 22, 2008

Here’s Our Little Friend again. I figured because Rihanna is the Chanteuse D’Jour that this little doozy would be apropot. I love this guy, but come on dude, Seriously? Seriously… I’m sorry, but a man should never sing Rihanna with this much gusto …Outside of his car. 😛

The Final, Final, FINAL Countdown!

May 20, 2008

In keeping with my last post about Gnomes performing The Final Coundown I unearthed one that trumps the last video. Words cannot describe. All I can say is that THIS is the Asian Man I strive to be; One who just doesn’t give a Whut-Whut? I mean this little nebbish couldn’t even wait to take […]