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Posts Tagged ‘mma

The Most Amazing MMA Fighters… Are Not Here.

June 17, 2008

Never Before has there been a group of Astonishing MMA Fighters Been Assembled In One Video!

The Incredible Hulk Movie Review

June 14, 2008

Well I saw The Incredible Hulk Movie last night. I decided I had to see it the first day it came out, even if it was the last showing of the evening! What I liked most about this movie was that there was way more action than the first film. Even when Bruce Banner isn’t […]

George Lucas Daughter Succumbs To The Dark Side

June 4, 2008

Anger. Fear. Aggression. The dark side are they. SO why didn’t anyone tell George Lucas’ Daughter, Amanda this? Evidently Amanda Lucas seen here in Episode 3 of Star Wars… Is really some brutal MMA fighter with the moniker of “Powerhouse”. That is some strange shit, sir.