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Posts Tagged ‘george takei

Mr. Sulu Snubs Capt. Kirk

June 5, 2008

As reported earlier actor George Takei best known for his role as Mr. Sulu on Star Trek is getting married in a same sex marriage very soon. Unfortunately there are only 200 seats available for the ceremony and as Takei’s partner, Brad Altman put it, “Our contact list has, like, 3,500 names, so we have […]

Oh Myyyy…. George Takei is Gettin Hitched!

May 21, 2008

Holy Jeeeezus! George Takei ( Star Trek‘s Mr. Sulu, Announcer for The Howard Stern Show and guest star in NBC’s Heroes ) announced that he will be getting married! According to Takei’s Website, he and longtime partner, Brad Altman, will be taking the plunge now that same sex marriage is legal here in California. George […]