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Posts Tagged ‘batman movie

The Dark Knight Movie Review

July 19, 2008

So I figured I’d watch the Dark Knight the first showing Saturday Morning as opposed to seeing it on Friday night packed in like a bunch of canned sardines. Also I live near the ghetto and most people in this area don’t seem to venture out before noon so I figured the 9am showing would […]

More Scenes from The Dark Knight

July 8, 2008

For those that can’t wait EVEN more scenes from the upcoming film The Dark Knight. If you CAN wait, don’t watch! You’ve been warned…

The Dark Knight: First Five Minutes Of The Movie

July 3, 2008

OKAY, I have to warn anyone that doesn’t want a spoiler, don’t watch the video! This is the first five minutes of The Dark Knight . The scene has been known about for months now, so some of you may have read about it, however, this is it and it is so effin cool! Take […]