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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Posts Tagged ‘age of conan

“Wii!” Old People Benefit from Playing Video Games!

June 16, 2008

A study by the University of Florida has shown that the elderly had improved memory after playing video games such as Medal of Honor and Age of Empires. While obviously the elderly had a tough time getting a handle on the video games and often times lost, such as when they tangle with ATM machines, […]

Age of Conan Massively Multi Player R Rated Video Game

June 12, 2008

The Age of Conan MMORPG is a brand new massively multi player online role playing game set in Rebert E. Howard’s mythical realm of Hyperboria where Conan The Barbarian lived. Players create a character to adventure and battle across the world with other people online. I so want to get this for my computer. Dude. […]