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Archive for the ‘Video Games’ Category

Headed To Comic Con. Have A Great Weekend!

July 25, 2008

I’m off to the wilds of San Diego for 2008 Comic Con International. Then a quick jaunt over the border into my favorite place in the world, TJ 😛 Once I get back, I promise I’ll probably have a ton of stupid stories about my inevitable bumbling blunders, mishaps and misfortunes! But remember: I do […]

The Most Badass Nerd Of Our Time

July 15, 2008

If you haven’t seen this classic video, you must! This guy just doesn’t give a what-what? He is the master of his grape soda and demerol induced delusional world. He is god. One day I will become him.

Beer Pong For Kids!

July 8, 2008

Evidently everyone is all up in arms over this game Not so much the fact that it’s a game about Beer Pong so much as that it was tated Teen, which means 13 year olds can simulate a drinking game. Awesome. LMAO

Wii Have A Problem

June 23, 2008

While sales and popularity rise with Wii Systems, Nintendo doesn’t want you to see that there is a darkside to the game syste. Injuries and household damage abound with the physically interasctive video game console!

“Wii!” Old People Benefit from Playing Video Games!

June 16, 2008

A study by the University of Florida has shown that the elderly had improved memory after playing video games such as Medal of Honor and Age of Empires. While obviously the elderly had a tough time getting a handle on the video games and often times lost, such as when they tangle with ATM machines, […]

The Incredible Hulk Movie Review

June 14, 2008

Well I saw The Incredible Hulk Movie last night. I decided I had to see it the first day it came out, even if it was the last showing of the evening! What I liked most about this movie was that there was way more action than the first film. Even when Bruce Banner isn’t […]

Age of Conan Massively Multi Player R Rated Video Game

June 12, 2008

The Age of Conan MMORPG is a brand new massively multi player online role playing game set in Rebert E. Howard’s mythical realm of Hyperboria where Conan The Barbarian lived. Players create a character to adventure and battle across the world with other people online. I so want to get this for my computer. Dude. […]

DiCaprio Plays With Atari!

June 9, 2008

Variety reports that Leonardo DiCaprio ‘s Production company will be producing Atari, a biopic about the founders of Atari, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney. DiCaprio is set to play one of the founders. This might sound boring to most of you, but the stories I’ve heard about how Atari was run, mind you in the […]

Eye Of the Tiger

June 4, 2008

This oughta get you inspired to start your day! Our Little Buddy Netcasty is really at the peak of his game here. Eye of The Tiger! He will astound you.

Movie Style Virtual Reality is HERE!

June 3, 2008

What was once Science Fiction is now Science FACT! A Japanese researcher a Keio University in Tokyo has implanted a device at the base of a paralyzed man’s motor cortex that allows him to use his arms and legs using his thoughts in the ever popular and completely pointless massively online community of Second Life.