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Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Headed To Comic Con. Have A Great Weekend!

July 25, 2008

I’m off to the wilds of San Diego for 2008 Comic Con International. Then a quick jaunt over the border into my favorite place in the world, TJ 😛 Once I get back, I promise I’ll probably have a ton of stupid stories about my inevitable bumbling blunders, mishaps and misfortunes! But remember: I do […]

The Top 10 Ghost Towns Around The World

July 25, 2008

This is pretty cool. This page has some really trippy ghost towns or rather ghost cities from around the globe. All of them are very odd and eerie places! With even odder stories… Check it out:

I Found The Most Hilarious Website Ever!

July 9, 2008

If you could bottle New York banter what would you do with it? Why, make a website and pour it all over for everyone to read! OverHeardInNewYork.com is hysterical. Just read all the snippets of conversations, ramblings and rants overheard by people in fabulous New York City. I just keep clicking “Random Quotes” it never […]

My Idiotic Misadventures: The Saga Continues…

June 26, 2008

WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN FLYING WITHOUT PICTURE IDENTIFICATION. So again, I lose my wallet and everything important including my driver’s license. I think I may suffer from sort of mental disability, but whatever… Let’s get to my story! One thing to point out; If you don’t have your driver’s license, you’re pretty much screwed. At […]