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Archive for the ‘Television’ Category

Man Laughs At TV Program in His Own Home Winds Up Getting Arrested!

June 13, 2008

WTF??? The poor guy was minding his own business and then gets pepper spray in his face and winds up getting hauled off to jail. All because he laughed at a tv show he was watching in his own flat and probably just wanted to get back to watching his stories.

Misfits of Science

June 12, 2008

I used to love 80’s TV Show, Misfits of Science. It’s been pointed out that there are many similarities between this show and current tevevison show, Heroes. In this clip you’ll even hear a character utter the words, “Save Adele, save the world.” Which draws comparrisons to “Save the Cheerleader, save the world.” It’s also […]

Bulgarian Idol Star Sings New Mariah Carey Song!

June 12, 2008

Move over William Hung! Forget about American Idol’s rejects. Let’s travel to Europe’s Bulgarian Idol and see this amazing rendition of Mariah Carey’s Without You, performed, um…phonetically… And interpreted into… Uh.. Ken Lee?

Summer Heights High

June 10, 2008

This TV series from Australia deals with vearious characters at fictional high school , Summer Heights High. Here is my favorite character, troubled youth, Jonah Takalua. Here is the first part, you can follow Jonah’s adventures or the rest of the characters on You Tube. “But Red Heads aren’t a race, Jonah.”

Video Classic – Grape Fall

June 3, 2008

No matter how many times I see the Infamous Grape Fall. It always brings me to tears… OF LAUGHTER!

Magic vs. Monkey

June 2, 2008

Poor little Pan Kun. He’s trying his best to keep up with that Creepy Little Magician! “Messin with my money is like messin with my emotions, Smokey!”

Sex In The City The Motion Picture

May 31, 2008

This weekend thousands of broken men will be dragged along willingly by their slave drivers “significant others” to see the most anticipated Chick Flick in years, The Sex In The City Movie. Can anyone say Stockholm Syndrome? Thankfully, I will not be going to this predictable piece of crap, because I don’t play well with […]

Pan Kun And James (A Classic!)

May 30, 2008

Ever wonder what would happen if a resourceful Chimpanzee teamed up with a motivationally challenged Bull Dog? Well wonder no longer!

Highlander And Buffy The Vampire Slayer Television Series are for Girls

May 29, 2008

I’m just gonna coome out an say this for the record and I’m sure the guilty parties will attempt to argue with me: Come at me then! You’re only exposing yourselves if you do! Any man that enjoys Highlander THE TV Series and Buffy The Vampire Slayer is not a man, but rather a sissy. […]

Give This Hot Dog a Hand!

May 23, 2008

The new Weinerschnitzel Ad is hysterical. I’m sure it’ll be off the air in a few days after some mortified mother whines or some old person gets a stroke after the realization of what’s going on sinks in.