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Archive for the ‘Science Fiction’ Category

Rip Taylor: Off The Chain!

July 24, 2008

This classic clip from Super Password was the first time Rip Taylor pulled one of his classic bits. Rip’s outfit is very futuristic. He looks like some sort of strange commander from an episode of Buck Rogers. Maybe he’s from the Intergaylactic Imperium.

Low Frequency Conspiracy Rumbles On!

July 24, 2008

If any of you are like me, you’re into strange conspiracies. Well the one I’ve been “listening” to for years is the one about Low Frequency Sound that mysteriously pops up around the countrry and drives people batty. Some people claim it’s some sort of top secret government experiment. Who know, but here’s the latest […]

Evidently Six Legs Don’t Make You Faster.

July 23, 2008

This genetic anomole was rescued after being attacked by a dog. The fawn has six legs two pelvises with one lworking leg on each. It used to have two tails, but one tail had to be amputated because it was too severly damaged from the dog mauling. Poor little mutant deer!

Two Birds In The Hand… Worth A Bush… Oh Whatever!

July 22, 2008

More wacky Mutant News! A Pair of Conjoined Birds were found. Attached at the hip and fully developed. I how I love mutants!

New Christian Bale Terminator Salvation Pic!

July 22, 2008

For those of you who can’t wait to see Christian Bale kicking ass in the role of human freedom fighter, John Conner in the upcoming film Terminator Salvation, take a peek!

Flight Attendant Wins Trip To Outer Space After FInding Winning Ticket In Chocolate Wrapper!

July 18, 2008

Air Hostess thought twice about throwing awaay her candy wrapper. She kept thinking about the contest on the wrapper that said the winner would win a seat on a space plane flight. She decided to go into the trash and fish out the wrapper. To her suprpise the wrapper had one of the winning tickets!

Outlander Movie Trailer

July 17, 2008

w! Talk about your mashup genre movie! Outlander Sci Fi meets Fantasy meets Horror –  Check it!

Kung Fu Science!

July 17, 2008

There’s nothing like learning via applied example. This is a fun way to learn Physics: Kung Fu Sifu Chris teaches Phsics expert Michelle on how to chop three wooden boards in half with her hand. Each step of the way physics lessons are xplained on how Michelle  can accomplish this. But will she succeed? Find […]

Hellboy 2 Movie Review

July 14, 2008

So I scrounged up all my loose change , went to the Coinstar Machine and had some money for the weekend.  What did I do with 2 years of loose change converted into dollar bills burning a hole in my pocket? Did I go buy food? No. Did I get gas? No. So what did […]

Wi Fi Signal Extender Hack

July 10, 2008

OK, all you Amateur McGyvers out there, if you want to boost your wi fi antenna’s signal, here’s a how to I found! It’s a lot simpler than I suspected, however, you ‘ll need a soldering tool. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/837885/wifi_antenna_hack/