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Archive for the ‘Role Playing Games’ Category

Headed To Comic Con. Have A Great Weekend!

July 25, 2008

I’m off to the wilds of San Diego for 2008 Comic Con International. Then a quick jaunt over the border into my favorite place in the world, TJ 😛 Once I get back, I promise I’ll probably have a ton of stupid stories about my inevitable bumbling blunders, mishaps and misfortunes! But remember: I do […]

Age of Conan Massively Multi Player R Rated Video Game

June 12, 2008

The Age of Conan MMORPG is a brand new massively multi player online role playing game set in Rebert E. Howard’s mythical realm of Hyperboria where Conan The Barbarian lived. Players create a character to adventure and battle across the world with other people online. I so want to get this for my computer. Dude. […]

Real Life Unicorn Exists… sort of.

June 12, 2008

Check out this deer that lives in a Zoo in Tuscany. It appears to have been born with a genetic abnormality giving it the appearance of the fabled Unicorn! I love mutants.