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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

The Dark Knight Movie Review

July 19, 2008

So I figured I’d watch the Dark Knight the first showing Saturday Morning as opposed to seeing it on Friday night packed in like a bunch of canned sardines. Also I live near the ghetto and most people in this area don’t seem to venture out before noon so I figured the 9am showing would […]

Hellboy 2 Movie Review

July 14, 2008

So I scrounged up all my loose change , went to the Coinstar Machine and had some money for the weekend.  What did I do with 2 years of loose change converted into dollar bills burning a hole in my pocket? Did I go buy food? No. Did I get gas? No. So what did […]

Red Dawn Redux

July 11, 2008

If any of you shared a similar childhood as me, you ee a latch key kid that didn’t do his homework watched Re Dawn on HBO about 167 times. And each time it terrified and thrilled you at the thought of having to live in the hllls after our country was invaded by the Commie […]

Invincible – True Hip Hop

July 7, 2008

Hey don’t know about you, but I haven’t been listening to a lot  of hip hop for awhile now. I think it has a lot to do with the fact most current rappers tend to be pretty silly superficial neuvaeu riche braggadocios. But true hip hop; deep lyrics, good mic skills and good beats have […]

Mutant Chronicles Movie Trailer

July 3, 2008

Any geek worth their salt will tell you, “Thomas Jane kicks ass.” I have been eagerly awaiting the table top war game to movie adaption, Mutant Chronicles. Well Thomas Jane stars and it also features an all star cast, Ron Perlman (Hell Boy), John Malkovich and Devon “That alian doll looking chickfrom D.E.B.S. and Sin […]

The Dark Knight: First Five Minutes Of The Movie

July 3, 2008

OKAY, I have to warn anyone that doesn’t want a spoiler, don’t watch the video! This is the first five minutes of The Dark Knight . The scene has been known about for months now, so some of you may have read about it, however, this is it and it is so effin cool! Take […]

Kung Fu Panda Movie Review

June 16, 2008

Let’s get straight to the point: Kung Fu Panda was great! Very funny, entertaining, and cool fight choreography and camera work. There’s a really fun chop stick fight that everyone will get a kick out of. Jack Black voices the character of Po the son of a noodle shop owner. To the surprise of everyone, […]

The Incredible Hulk Movie Review

June 14, 2008

Well I saw The Incredible Hulk Movie last night. I decided I had to see it the first day it came out, even if it was the last showing of the evening! What I liked most about this movie was that there was way more action than the first film. Even when Bruce Banner isn’t […]

Age of Conan Massively Multi Player R Rated Video Game

June 12, 2008

The Age of Conan MMORPG is a brand new massively multi player online role playing game set in Rebert E. Howard’s mythical realm of Hyperboria where Conan The Barbarian lived. Players create a character to adventure and battle across the world with other people online. I so want to get this for my computer. Dude. […]

Sign Up For Post Rapture E-Mail To Loved Ones

June 9, 2008

Here’s one for the Books! What happens when several million Evangelicals disappear without a trace from the earth without a trace? Cheer? No! Sinful loved ones will be issued an automatic final e-mail message from the Saved from a new website! Apparently you can now sign up to have an e-mail automatically sent out to […]