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Archive for the ‘Nature’ Category

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fans, Eat Yer Hearts Out!

August 1, 2008

Washington D.C.  authorites say that this little box turtle uncovered a marijuana field after a researcher tracked the critter to a romote area using the gps attacked to its shell. A teen has been arrested after park police set up surveillence in the area and caught him tending the field. Master Splinter would be proud!

Hiipie Ewok Houses

August 1, 2008

Did  you ever want to be a dirt bag and live in the trees like an Ewok or Ted Kaczynski? Well now you can!

What Is The Montauk Monster???

August 1, 2008

This creepy little Chupcabraesque creature washed up on the shores of the Hamptons.. But what the heck is it? No one knows. And Now no one canseem to find the little bugger. Could it be a hoax? Or something more easily explained? Until the Montauk Monster’s carcass turns up again, we may never know…

Politics Are For The Dogs!

July 30, 2008

Meet Willie Bean Roscoe P. Coltrane, Yellow Labrador Retriever and candidate for the position of Mayor in Fairhope, Alabama… Sort of.

Forget Red Bull How About Surging Eel?!?

July 29, 2008

A Japanese company has unveiled a new Eel flavored energy drink for the summer called Surging Eel! The yellow carbonated beverage gets it’s flavor from extract from eel bones and various vitimins. Yum? I know my friend Will would totally try it at least once. Maybe even twice.

Ancient Fish Scales Studied For Futuristic Combat Protection

July 29, 2008

This african fish has a unique style of scale that was disgned to protect it from vicious prehistoric aquatic predators. It was so successful that the species never went extinct! that’s why engineers are studying the specialized fish scales in their research to design a new combat armor that soldiers will wear. Awesome!

It’s Official: I’m Dumber Than Worms.

July 25, 2008

Scientists have recently determined that round worms use a form of calculus to search out their food. I never made it past geometry. It’s over. I’m going home.

Fish Pedicure Anyone?

July 23, 2008

A Salon in Washington D.C. has been getting press because of the pedicures it’s employees give. Well, to be precise, it’s the employees getting the press. The pedicurists happen to be tiny Doctor Fish that are attracted to dead skin and nibble it away giving the customers a most unique way to get a pedicure […]

Evidently Six Legs Don’t Make You Faster.

July 23, 2008

This genetic anomole was rescued after being attacked by a dog. The fawn has six legs two pelvises with one lworking leg on each. It used to have two tails, but one tail had to be amputated because it was too severly damaged from the dog mauling. Poor little mutant deer!

Two Birds In The Hand… Worth A Bush… Oh Whatever!

July 22, 2008

More wacky Mutant News! A Pair of Conjoined Birds were found. Attached at the hip and fully developed. I how I love mutants!