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Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog

July 31, 2008

So for any dweeb that’s really into sissy mamby pamby geek showslike Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon’s latest project is called Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog. It stars Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible evil mastermind bent on taking over the world and winning the heart of Penny, the girl he sees every week at […]

Classic TV Ad: Voltron Sprite

July 26, 2008

No one seems to remember these series of tv ads that prite did in the mid 90’s. It featured rappers from all around the country each piloting one of the five lions from the tv cartoon Voltron! Here it is: For the non hip hop heads here’s a key: Blue Lion: The Goodie Mob (Cee-Lo) […]

Irritate Your Co Workers With Karaoke From Your Cubicle!

July 24, 2008

If your Boss hasn’t already put the internet on lock down, why not be the person that makes that happen for your company! How? By singing Karaoke like our Little Buddy, Netcasty. Except don’t wait till you get home like him, do it while you’re still at work! Now is the perfect time for your […]

Now You Can Play All Your Favorite Songs Backwards And Listen For Satan!

July 18, 2008

I found this website where you can load wav files in and it’ll play them backwards for you. Now you can finally hear “Paul’s A Deadmn” for yourself!

Feist Goes Sesame Street

July 16, 2008

For a Canadian, Feist has always been a musician I’ve enjoyed. (This goes back prior to her iPod Sellout move. ) Anyway, she’s redeemed herself in my eyes by using her powers for the forces of good. How? By retooling one of her songs for Sesame Street! Take a Listen:

Invincible – True Hip Hop

July 7, 2008

Hey don’t know about you, but I haven’t been listening to a lot  of hip hop for awhile now. I think it has a lot to do with the fact most current rappers tend to be pretty silly superficial neuvaeu riche braggadocios. But true hip hop; deep lyrics, good mic skills and good beats have […]

The Trons – Robot Rock Band

June 26, 2008

Meet The Trons. A self playing Robot Band! Completely geeky, I know, but there’s something quite cool to me about this. I also dig the modulated Stephen Hawking Style Vocals. LMAO

“Dad Raps” Are The Worst!

June 25, 2008

There are some of you out there that don’t understand me when I refer to a “Dad Rap” The Dad Rap is a rap performed, usually by a white man over the age of 40 who has absolutely zero rhythm or understanding about how to structure a hip hop song. Usually it’s format is similar […]

If They Can Rock, So Can You!

June 24, 2008

Meet Heavy Load The Most Special Punk Rock Band on Earth!

Taking A Bath Was Never THIS Much Of A Drag!

June 23, 2008

Ms. Peachez teachez! This is a whole new spin on “Dirty South” Rap! Get In the Tub!