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Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Batman Gotham Knights Preview

June 27, 2008

Anyone that’s excited about the upcoming Batman movie The Dark Knight, may want to go out and buy the Animated DVD Gotham Knights which bridges the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It features six interlocking stories by Some of Japans most popular Anime Directors. Check out this preview:

Stan Lee Weighs In On Future Marvel Comics Movies

June 26, 2008

Marvel Comics Creator Stan Lee has been asked to comment on the latest wave of Marvel Comic Book Character films leading up to the eagerly anticipated geekfest, The Avengers Movie!

G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Teaser Posters!

June 25, 2008

The much anticipated G.I. Joe Film’s first round of Teaser Posters are Here! First Up is Channing Tatum as Duke Next we have the lovely Sienna Miller as The Baroness And Last but Not Least, Ray Park is Snake Eyes! I know I’m setting myself up for anticipointment, but I really am getting excited about […]

Who Will Be Captain America?

June 24, 2008

The latest rumors have two actors being considered to play The Star Spangled Avenger in the upcoming Marvel Comics Movie, The First Avenger: Captain America! One being Leonardo DiCaprio (Boooo!) OR Brad Pitt (interesting…) Sources say that Marvel Entertainment is leaning more towards DiCaprio… Why??? Brad Pitt screams All American Dude. Plus he doesn’t look […]

Thomas Jane To Star As Jonah Hex???

June 21, 2008

This photo surfaced on the interweb recently supposedly being a makeup test with Thomas Jane as the Bizarre DC Comics Western Bounty Hunter, Jonah Hex. There’s been no word about casting so this could very well be a hoax, however, the thought of one of the most under rated actors, Thomas Jane starring as Jonah […]

Techno Viking

June 20, 2008

I know this has been around for awhile, but some people haven’t seen it and it always cracks me up. I definitely think that if Techno Viking was a D&D Character, he’d be Chaotic Good, because he does what he wants, but he is a protector at heart. And remember, “The Techno Viking doesn’t dance […]

You’re The Best!

June 16, 2008

Having a hard day at work? Well, I believe in you. If that’s not good enough. Listen to this uplifting inspiring tune! You’re The Best from The Karate Kid!

Kung Fu Panda Movie Review

June 16, 2008

Let’s get straight to the point: Kung Fu Panda was great! Very funny, entertaining, and cool fight choreography and camera work. There’s a really fun chop stick fight that everyone will get a kick out of. Jack Black voices the character of Po the son of a noodle shop owner. To the surprise of everyone, […]

The Incredible Hulk Movie Review

June 14, 2008

Well I saw The Incredible Hulk Movie last night. I decided I had to see it the first day it came out, even if it was the last showing of the evening! What I liked most about this movie was that there was way more action than the first film. Even when Bruce Banner isn’t […]

Sign Up For Post Rapture E-Mail To Loved Ones

June 9, 2008

Here’s one for the Books! What happens when several million Evangelicals disappear without a trace from the earth without a trace? Cheer? No! Sinful loved ones will be issued an automatic final e-mail message from the Saved from a new website! Apparently you can now sign up to have an e-mail automatically sent out to […]