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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Archive for the ‘Internet’ Category

Recycle Your Spam!

July 14, 2008

Spam pollutes our e-mail. In an effort to be conscious of the e-nvironment and combat data waste, why not RECYCLE YOUR SPAM!

Doodle Time!

July 11, 2008

Bored again? Here’sa stupid little time waster I found! Draw a simple ine drawing, thn spin it! STRING SPIN!

Quit Monkeying Around!

July 9, 2008

Click to see Video

Stupid Japanese Prank

July 9, 2008

Oh those wacky Japanese.  This one always makes me laugh.

I Found The Most Hilarious Website Ever!

July 9, 2008

If you could bottle New York banter what would you do with it? Why, make a website and pour it all over for everyone to read! OverHeardInNewYork.com is hysterical. Just read all the snippets of conversations, ramblings and rants overheard by people in fabulous New York City. I just keep clicking “Random Quotes” it never […]

These Wacky Guys!

July 8, 2008

“Oh Yoooou!” Click to see Video

History For The Lazy

July 8, 2008

Ever thought about learning about the History of the Middle East and it’s neighboring regions, but then realized it would take too much time? Well, now you can watch 5000 years of  history in 90 seconds!

Read Books Online For Free!

July 7, 2008

Well obviously if you’re here, you’re bores hell… Or complety cofused and disoriented. In either case, why not read a book. For free, you cheap S.O.B.s! This website offers tons of free books for your perusal! Take a peek!

Absent Minded? Gotta Cell Phone? Forget no longer!

July 7, 2008

FInd yourself forrgetting to do things, missing appointments or not remebering to pick up things at the store? Well here’s a cool little website that allows you to enter a cell phone number, enter in text and schedule a time and date for it to be sent out to the cell phone number. This way, […]

The Future Of Our World

July 6, 2008

And Now A Word from Our Sponsor That’s some Deep $#!+ Sir.