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Archive for the ‘Horror’ Category

What Is The Montauk Monster???

August 1, 2008

This creepy little Chupcabraesque creature washed up on the shores of the Hamptons.. But what the heck is it? No one knows. And Now no one canseem to find the little bugger. Could it be a hoax? Or something more easily explained? Until the Montauk Monster’s carcass turns up again, we may never know…

Headed To Comic Con. Have A Great Weekend!

July 25, 2008

I’m off to the wilds of San Diego for 2008 Comic Con International. Then a quick jaunt over the border into my favorite place in the world, TJ 😛 Once I get back, I promise I’ll probably have a ton of stupid stories about my inevitable bumbling blunders, mishaps and misfortunes! But remember: I do […]

The Top 10 Ghost Towns Around The World

July 25, 2008

This is pretty cool. This page has some really trippy ghost towns or rather ghost cities from around the globe. All of them are very odd and eerie places! With even odder stories… Check it out:

Outlander Movie Trailer

July 17, 2008

w! Talk about your mashup genre movie! Outlander Sci Fi meets Fantasy meets Horror –  Check it!

Hellboy 2 Movie Review

July 14, 2008

So I scrounged up all my loose change , went to the Coinstar Machine and had some money for the weekend.  What did I do with 2 years of loose change converted into dollar bills burning a hole in my pocket? Did I go buy food? No. Did I get gas? No. So what did […]

Red Dawn Redux

July 11, 2008

If any of you shared a similar childhood as me, you ee a latch key kid that didn’t do his homework watched Re Dawn on HBO about 167 times. And each time it terrified and thrilled you at the thought of having to live in the hllls after our country was invaded by the Commie […]

Two Bugs Enter. One Bug Leaves.

July 1, 2008

Did you ever wonder who would win if you pitted a scorpion vs. a millipede? No? Well who cares! Now you can watch every dream bug match you ever thought fantasized about! Check it out from the beginning at Japanese Bug Fights! It’s like watching miniature Godzilla Monster Battles and then you start thinking things […]

Thomas Jane To Star As Jonah Hex???

June 21, 2008

This photo surfaced on the interweb recently supposedly being a makeup test with Thomas Jane as the Bizarre DC Comics Western Bounty Hunter, Jonah Hex. There’s been no word about casting so this could very well be a hoax, however, the thought of one of the most under rated actors, Thomas Jane starring as Jonah […]

Sign Up For Post Rapture E-Mail To Loved Ones

June 9, 2008

Here’s one for the Books! What happens when several million Evangelicals disappear without a trace from the earth without a trace? Cheer? No! Sinful loved ones will be issued an automatic final e-mail message from the Saved from a new website! Apparently you can now sign up to have an e-mail automatically sent out to […]

A Plumbing Problem of Cosmic Proportions

June 4, 2008

Word on the sreet is that The Russian Space Station module’s toilet has been acting up!Emergency parts were sent from Russia with love just in time for Shuttle Discovery’s latest flight. However, if the ass-tronauts can’t fix the intergalactic crapper, thecomsonauts may have to come home early.