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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Batman Gotham Knights Preview

June 27, 2008

Anyone that’s excited about the upcoming Batman movie The Dark Knight, may want to go out and buy the Animated DVD Gotham Knights which bridges the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It features six interlocking stories by Some of Japans most popular Anime Directors. Check out this preview:

Why Mess With Tupperware When You Can Have A Taser Party!

June 27, 2008

File Under Byatch Please! Evidently The New Rage with The ladies Has Shifted To Taser Parties! Shocking!

What The Fork???

June 27, 2008

Some jagoff in Michigan arrested for stabbing his mother in the neck with a fork then beating a woman over the head with frozen chickenĀ  an hour later!

Gregory Shitcock P.I. Episode 3

June 13, 2008

Will Gregory Shitcock’s disabilities get the better of him? Fine out here!

Gregory Shitcock P.I. Episode 2

June 9, 2008

Could quadriplegic P.I., Gregory’s ego outgrow his need for his faithful sidekick, Warren? Find out here!

I’ll Say Sorry, But I’m Not Taking Of My Glasses.

June 4, 2008

God I love this Little Aussie Shit Head! He’s so smug it’s awesome!