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Archive for the ‘Comic Books’ Category

G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Teaser Posters!

June 25, 2008

The much anticipated G.I. Joe Film’s first round of Teaser Posters are Here! First Up is Channing Tatum as Duke Next we have the lovely Sienna Miller as The Baroness And Last but Not Least, Ray Park is Snake Eyes! I know I’m setting myself up for anticipointment, but I really am getting excited about […]

Who Will Be Captain America?

June 24, 2008

The latest rumors have two actors being considered to play The Star Spangled Avenger in the upcoming Marvel Comics Movie, The First Avenger: Captain America! One being Leonardo DiCaprio (Boooo!) OR Brad Pitt (interesting…) Sources say that Marvel Entertainment is leaning more towards DiCaprio… Why??? Brad Pitt screams All American Dude. Plus he doesn’t look […]

Thomas Jane To Star As Jonah Hex???

June 21, 2008

This photo surfaced on the interweb recently supposedly being a makeup test with Thomas Jane as the Bizarre DC Comics Western Bounty Hunter, Jonah Hex. There’s been no word about casting so this could very well be a hoax, however, the thought of one of the most under rated actors, Thomas Jane starring as Jonah […]

The Incredible Hulk Movie Review

June 14, 2008

Well I saw The Incredible Hulk Movie last night. I decided I had to see it the first day it came out, even if it was the last showing of the evening! What I liked most about this movie was that there was way more action than the first film. Even when Bruce Banner isn’t […]

Latest Teaser for The Incredible Hulk!

June 6, 2008

This latest teaser for The Incredible Hulk looks promising! The action sequence looks how I would imagine a comic book fight scene might look if it played out in real life. I?m expecting to see a completely action packed, leave your brain at the door, summer block buster. Please do not disappoint me. The Incredible […]

Latest Updates on Captain America and Thor Movies!

May 23, 2008

According to , Sci Fi Wire, president of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige shot down rumors that Matthew McConaughey was never under consideration for playing the role of Captain America in the upcoming movie, Captain America: The First Avenger. He also added that the film will be a period piece set during World War II and […]

World Renowned Comic Book Retailer Rory Root Passes Away

May 20, 2008

I was informed on Monday Morning by several friends that world famous owner of Berkeley, CA’s Comic Relief Comic Book Store, Rory Root had passed away. I didn’t want to be the first one to talk about it out of respect, but now that the news of Root’s passing has been making the rounds in […]

G.I. Movie Photos : 1 Geek’s Critique

May 20, 2008

OK, so some of you geekier friends out there have already seen all of these, but to those of you with real lives, I’ve gathered from various sources some “first look” photos of some of the characters from the upcoming Stephen Sommers 80’s toy/ comic book to mivie G.I. Joe and have added my thoughts […]

Thor and Marvel Comics Movies on The Rise

May 19, 2008

Several names have been rumored to be in the running for Marvel Entertainment‘s 2010 release Thor. WWE Superstar HHH, Rome‘s Kevin McKidd and Brad Pitt! The plan is for Thor to join Iron Man, The Hulk and Captain America rumored to be played by Mr. Weed Smoker Naked Bongo Playing Beach Bum Actor, Matthew McConaughey […]

Iron Man Movie Review

May 2, 2008

Sometimes I get really down on myself. I have an nemesis that is sort of like the super villain of my life. He betrayed me. I’ll get into it later, but for now know that I refer to him as Moby Dick or The Land Monster, because he weighs about 450 lbs.; A very unsightly […]