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Archive for the ‘Comedy’ Category

Elf Quest Headed For Big Screen … Joy.

July 11, 2008

OK, I’m a dork and even I have a difficult time with this one… Attention all Nancy Boys, Furverts and Librarian Spinsters! After decades of being talked about, the extremely pedophilic and bestialicious comic book, Elf Quest is finally headed to the big screen. It was reported that Warner Bros. has greenlit the project. For […]

Fire Fighters Drive Through Town in Their Under Pants!

July 11, 2008

Some Swedish Firemen returned to a locker room after taking a swim at the local pool to find nothing but their underwear and shoes in their lockers. Someone had made off wioth their uniforms… I guess someone wanted to force hese guys to make the 2009 Fire Fighters In Action Calendar.

Panda Escape!

July 10, 2008

Click on the Image Below to witness the most daring escape ever recorded!

Angry Passenger Fed Up Waiting Uses Emergency Slide To Exit Plane

July 10, 2008

An Irate First Class Passenger went ape shit when he saw economy passengers exiting the plane before he was allowed to. So he did what any normal rational alcoholic would do – He used the emergency slide!

Quit Monkeying Around!

July 9, 2008

Click to see Video

Stupid Japanese Prank

July 9, 2008

Oh those wacky Japanese.  This one always makes me laugh.

I Found The Most Hilarious Website Ever!

July 9, 2008

If you could bottle New York banter what would you do with it? Why, make a website and pour it all over for everyone to read! OverHeardInNewYork.com is hysterical. Just read all the snippets of conversations, ramblings and rants overheard by people in fabulous New York City. I just keep clicking “Random Quotes” it never […]

I Don’t Care Toilet Humor IS Funny!

July 9, 2008

Cagney and Lacey return!… To cause havok in a ladies restroom somewhere in England.

These Wacky Guys!

July 8, 2008

“Oh Yoooou!” Click to see Video

Cindy Brady Hungover – Almost Goes #3 During Radio Interview!

July 7, 2008

Train Wreck Time! Susan Olsen, the actress who played Cindy Brady on the Brady Bunch had to cut short a radio interview because she was completely hung over and nausiated. Watch the video of her pausing and swallowing trying not to toss her cookies between answering Brady Bunch questions on air. Then pay attention at […]