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Archive for the ‘Comedy’ Category

The Mystery Of The Magic Mormon Underpants

July 23, 2008

In honor of my douche bag roommate and his douche-like ways, (we’ll call him Jack because he brings his book of Mormon to the crapper with him) I wanted to discuss one of my favorite subjects: Magic Mormon Underwear! Today, I’ve collected several videos from different points of view to help shed a little light […]

My 200th Post! Woot! Woot! ( I don’t even know what that means )

July 23, 2008

I’ve reached my 200th Post! I didn’t know I’d have the sticktoitiveness to keep this going this long. Wow. Good for me. It’s my form of therapy and communication to whomever wishes to waste their time here. In celebration of the event here are a rather strange series of videos I stumbled across. It chronicles […]

Classic Video: Letterman Zaps Richard Simmons… AGAIN.

July 22, 2008

Richard Simmons is the best on air victim. From being tormented on the Howard Stern Show to this particular gem when David Letterman pulls one of his infamous pranks on the flambouyant Todd Flanders coiffed little fellow.

Have You Ever Heard of A Kitler?

July 18, 2008

I love cats, but even I’ll admit that they’re evil and want to rule the world. So it would only be natural that Kitlers would be popping up all over the worl. You knnow, Kitlers; cat’s who look like hitler. Check out this ridiculous website devoted to the phenomenon!

Now You Can Play All Your Favorite Songs Backwards And Listen For Satan!

July 18, 2008

I found this website where you can load wav files in and it’ll play them backwards for you. Now you can finally hear “Paul’s A Deadmn” for yourself!

Flight Attendant Wins Trip To Outer Space After FInding Winning Ticket In Chocolate Wrapper!

July 18, 2008

Air Hostess thought twice about throwing awaay her candy wrapper. She kept thinking about the contest on the wrapper that said the winner would win a seat on a space plane flight. She decided to go into the trash and fish out the wrapper. To her suprpise the wrapper had one of the winning tickets!

DC Comics Black Canary Barbie Has Zealots Crying S&M!

July 17, 2008

After announcing that Mattel would be releasing a Barbie figure dressed as DC Comics Super Hero, Black Canary, religious groups were up in arms accusing of Mattel of creating an S&M version of Barbie. I guess I can see it, however, if they did their research, they’d learn that Black Canary is a Super Hero […]

The Most Badass Nerd Of Our Time

July 15, 2008

If you haven’t seen this classic video, you must! This guy just doesn’t give a what-what? He is the master of his grape soda and demerol induced delusional world. He is god. One day I will become him.

Homeless James Bond

July 14, 2008

So stupid, you can’t help, but not to chuckle. Unless of course, you are devoid of humor. And then of course you aren’t human.

The Mice Fight Back!

July 11, 2008

These little rodents have had it up to here with irritating cat that harasses them all the time! Watch as they take to the offensive against this menacing feline. Click to see Video