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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Archive for the ‘Comedy’ Category

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fans, Eat Yer Hearts Out!

August 1, 2008

Washington D.C.  authorites say that this little box turtle uncovered a marijuana field after a researcher tracked the critter to a romote area using the gps attacked to its shell. A teen has been arrested after park police set up surveillence in the area and caught him tending the field. Master Splinter would be proud!

Watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog

July 31, 2008

So for any dweeb that’s really into sissy mamby pamby geek showslike Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon’s latest project is called Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog. It stars Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible evil mastermind bent on taking over the world and winning the heart of Penny, the girl he sees every week at […]

Police Mistaken For Strippers!

July 31, 2008

German Police responded to a noise complaint. When the two officers arrived, they found a birthday party in progress. However when they arrived at the premesis, the women who were throwing the birthday party mistook them for hired strippers, not legitimate law enforcement officers. It took several minutres for the party goers to realize that […]

Doorman Wins Lottery, Keeps Job, Mysteriously Fired!

July 31, 2008

Check this shinit out! Dude wins $5 Million in a lottery, but decides to keep his job as a doorman. Then he gets fired with no explaination!!! Bust out the Haterade!

Politics Are For The Dogs!

July 30, 2008

Meet Willie Bean Roscoe P. Coltrane, Yellow Labrador Retriever and candidate for the position of Mayor in Fairhope, Alabama… Sort of.

Classic Letterman: Dave Gets Attacked By Crispin Glover

July 27, 2008

This video no one seems to remember or doesn’t believe me when I tell them about it. Well, here you go all you disbelievers, George McFly from Back To The Future high on LSD attacks Dave.

Headed To Comic Con. Have A Great Weekend!

July 25, 2008

I’m off to the wilds of San Diego for 2008 Comic Con International. Then a quick jaunt over the border into my favorite place in the world, TJ 😛 Once I get back, I promise I’ll probably have a ton of stupid stories about my inevitable bumbling blunders, mishaps and misfortunes! But remember: I do […]

Rip Taylor: Off The Chain!

July 24, 2008

This classic clip from Super Password was the first time Rip Taylor pulled one of his classic bits. Rip’s outfit is very futuristic. He looks like some sort of strange commander from an episode of Buck Rogers. Maybe he’s from the Intergaylactic Imperium.

Irritate Your Co Workers With Karaoke From Your Cubicle!

July 24, 2008

If your Boss hasn’t already put the internet on lock down, why not be the person that makes that happen for your company! How? By singing Karaoke like our Little Buddy, Netcasty. Except don’t wait till you get home like him, do it while you’re still at work! Now is the perfect time for your […]

Apparently, I’m Controversial. Whooduh Thunk?

July 24, 2008

It seems my little post about the Mormon Magic Underwear yesterday incited the ire of several  LDS Members pokin around on my blog. To that I say, “Just Bring It!” If you looked at the post, you would have seen that I had videos that were both pro and anti Mormon Magic Underwear. I gave […]