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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog

So for any dweeb that’s really into sissy mamby pamby geek showslike Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon’s latest project is called Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog. It stars Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible evil mastermind bent on taking over the world and winning the heart of Penny, the girl he sees every week at the laundramat but can’t work up the nerve to even speak to. To make matters Worse, Nathan Fillon stars as Captain Hammer, his pompous super heroic nemesis. And yes, as the name implies, it’s a musical. It’s quite the drama split up into three 15 minute acts. See what you think. If you’re one of those types of nerds that liked Buffy and crap like the Rocky Horror Picture show, I’m sure you’ll love it. I want to like it, but I’m full of shame and hate myself too much to admit that to anyone. I will say this: There are some pretty funny one liners and the ending was not what I was expecting! Check out while you can still view it all for free at the link above!

3 Responses to “Watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog”

  1. “Sissy mamby pamby geek shows” … I don’t think I have EVER heard Buffy described as this. Never. Usually it follows, “cult hit”, “arguably one of the best shows ever”, etc. Interesting. And “if you like Rocky Horror”? Not too sure what Dr. Horrible has to do with RHPS. Other than the musical thing; which is like saying “If you like the old Superman movies, you’ll like The Dark Knight.”

    And just fyi – everyone pretty much likes it, so you’ll find no shame in admitting it if you do in fact like it. But hey, allow others to control what you like and judge you for it for no reason – I mean, if you’re cool with that, I guess ?

    lol Lighten up, buddy.

  2. Ricky Bobby: Wow. I feel like I’m Highlander!
    Jean Girard: What is the Highlander?
    Ricky Bobby: It’s a movie. It won the Academy Award.
    Jean Girard: Oh for what?
    Ricky Bobby: Best movie ever made.

    Oh how easily you fall into my trap, you Elf Quest Reader, you! I love throwing out things to incite people. It’s sort of a hobby of mine. I’m surprised you didn’t quote Monty Python at me. Now go put on your brown trench coat and think of something more worthy to blast me with while you’re watching your reruns of Xena, Warrior Princess! Until then PZZZ out! LMFAO!

  3. I never liked Buffy, but I did like Dr. Horrible’s sing along blog! I learnt all the songs!

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