1 Yellow Sub
Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Forget Red Bull How About Surging Eel?!?

A Japanese company has unveiled a new Eel flavored energy drink for the summer called Surging Eel! The yellow carbonated beverage gets it’s flavor from extract from eel bones and various vitimins. Yum? I know my friend Will would totally try it at least once. Maybe even twice.

3 Responses to “Forget Red Bull How About Surging Eel?!?”

  1. You know, I eat things so you don’t have to…and I have a friend who lives in Japan…and Nadja linked me here…and…

    Yep, time to e-mail Katsushi about getting me some of this. 🙂

  2. First up, yes, yes I would… But with trepidation due to my experience drinking turtle.

  3. When I was working on a project for an advertisement agency several years ago,there were two Coca Cola Products that were targeted for the Japanese Audience: One was called Water Salad and the other was called Love Body. I always wanted to try them, but they didn’t have any there. They were targeted towards Japanese Women. My hope was that it would help me to understand them better…

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