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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Hellboy 2 Movie Review

So I scrounged up all my loose change , went to the Coinstar Machine and had some money for the weekend.  What did I do with 2 years of loose change converted into dollar bills burning a hole in my pocket? Did I go buy food? No. Did I get gas? No. So what did I do?  I went and saw Hellboy 2.

Now that we know that I have my priorities in order, let’s get on to the review, shall we?

I loved it! It was much larger in scope than the first film. And while I don’t want to give much away, I will say that the characters are given more depth than the first movie and the story itself was much larger in scope. The interesting thing to me while watching this is that somewhere during the film, I realized that this was not just some fun scinece fiction comic book type movie, but it had become a full fledged fantasy flick with modern protagonists. The creature designs and locations were very exotic and you could tell that this was the next step for director Guillermo Del Toro after Pan’s Labrynth.


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