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Words From The Ultimate Warrior

If any of you guys grew up during the 80’s, you must have some recollection of The Ultimate Warrior. This guy was awesome. Every kid that watched the WWF loved him. I recall being swept up with the sheer roid induced intensity of his character. He was one of a kind. Looking back, we can see that this guy was an absolute lunatic. Here’s a clip from the infamous DVD The Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior

It should be noted that Jim Helwig, the man that was known as The Ultimate Warrior, legally changed his name to Warrior so as to keep the rights to his name after he parted on poor terms with Vince McMahon’s WWF organization. Just last month, the Warrior returned to the ring in Spain. Here’s a clip from one of his YouTube broadcasts where he comments about his nemesis, Hulk Hogan after photos had surfaced of the Hulkster oiling up his daughter, Brook’s booty by a swimming pool. He also has something to say about Hulk’s son, Nick being sent to jail after getting into a huge accident while recklessly racing his car and giving his friend permanent brain damage:

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