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Two Bugs Enter. One Bug Leaves.

Did you ever wonder who would win if you pitted a scorpion vs. a millipede? No? Well who cares! Now you can watch every dream bug match you ever thought fantasized about! Check it out from the beginning at Japanese Bug Fights!

It’s like watching miniature Godzilla Monster Battles and then you start thinking things are crawling on you! If anyone can write in Japanese, please request Potato Bug vs. Rhinoceros Beetle and Rhinoceros Beetle vs. Japanese Hornet.

Japanese Bug Fights

NOTE: Not for Animal Rights People or People That are easily grossed out.

2 Responses to “Two Bugs Enter. One Bug Leaves.”

  1. The request has been submitted:

    Okera VS. Kabutomushi (Potato Bug Vs. Rhino Beetle)
    Kabutomushi VS. Suzumebachi (Rhino Beetle VS. Japanese Giant Wasp)

    This is crazy! It’s what Michael Vick really should have done.

  2. I discovered this website and have been completely addicted to it. The fights are like a car wreck. Sometimes horrible but you can’t look away. I agree with the comment above. This is what Vick and other athletes should be betting on.

    One thing I learned is that there is no mercy in the insect world. Most of the fights to the death! Kudos to the poster above. Maybe now we will finally be able to see these dream matches!!

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