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10 Toys That Made You Gay

If anyone of you out there had ANY of these toys, You’re going to get the beat down!

P.S. Under Roos don’t count. Everyone had those.

4 Responses to “10 Toys That Made You Gay”

  1. Aside from Spiderman Underoos, I did NOT have any of those growing up. Instead, I made up for it by living in close proximity to San Francisco.

  2. Damon has the Bukakinator… it’s pretty spectacular and an absolute mystery how it made it all the way to market.

    Hulk and Superman Underoos.

  3. Someone really needs to start doing nerd porn, using props like that. You’d make a million.

  4. I think the ultimate nerd porn would star Stephen “The Hawkman” Hawking about his Erotic Adventures and he would have a special chair with all sorts of gadgets that he would use… Err… I mean I heard about this… Uh I think… Somewhere… On the internet…

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