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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

“Wii!” Old People Benefit from Playing Video Games!

wii old people play video games

A study by the University of Florida has shown that the elderly had improved memory after playing video games such as Medal of Honor and Age of Empires. While obviously the elderly had a tough time getting a handle on the video games and often times lost, such as when they tangle with ATM machines, this intensified their resolve to figure out how to master the games which engaged them in problem solving and hand eye coordination. I think they should all let them play in Age of Conan. Why? Because old people wielding swords is funny DUH!

2 Responses to ““Wii!” Old People Benefit from Playing Video Games!”

  1. My gran LOVES Def Jam: Icon.

  2. well atleast the mall is not that crowded with them anymore

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