1 Yellow Sub
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Gigantic WWII Era Undetonated Bomb Discovered in East London!

An enormous 60 year old WWII Era Bomb dating back to The Blitz was unearthed in East London near the future site of the Olympics. At one point when authorities began to dismantle it, the damn thing came back to life and started ticking again! Read about it here!

Watch the video of the detonation here!

3 Responses to “Gigantic WWII Era Undetonated Bomb Discovered in East London!”

  1. God I love stories like this, I don’t know whether it’s my love of old tech returning to haunt it’s makers or my general hatred of humanity in general… but I do love me some unexploded ordinance.

  2. I know! This story is Da BOMB! LMFAO!

  3. Remind me to kill you in the face.

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