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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Sign Up For Post Rapture E-Mail To Loved Ones

Here’s one for the Books! What happens when several million Evangelicals disappear without a trace from the earth without a trace? Cheer? No! Sinful loved ones will be issued an automatic final e-mail message from the Saved from a new website! Apparently you can now sign up to have an e-mail automatically sent out to loved ones Post Rapture.

I guess it might go something like this,

“Dear Sally, If you’re reading this, you are, for lack of a better word, “EVIL.” If you ever want to see me again, you’ll act right and repent now for The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, shall return in several years to pass judgment. – Love, Mom”

And while you wait for the Rapture, watch this movie. It’s called Jesus Camp. Here’s the trailer:

and if you’re interested, here’s first part:

2 Responses to “Sign Up For Post Rapture E-Mail To Loved Ones”

  1. Damn those rapture people. Thinking they are so high and mighty and are going to leave us behind. The truth is they’ll all be going to hell, they’ll just get there faster than the rest of us! Sweet, tell’em we’re coming!!

  2. The Rapture is like really cheesy science fiction. It makes religion way more exciting!

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