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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

Sex In The City The Motion Picture

Sex In The City The Movie

This weekend thousands of broken men will be dragged along willingly by their slave drivers “significant others” to see the most anticipated Chick Flick in years, The Sex In The City Movie. Can anyone say Stockholm Syndrome?

Thankfully, I will not be going to this predictable piece of crap, because I don’t play well with others, hence my being a lonely unlovable wretch. Yes, there was time when I willingly watched it because I used to be a whipped little emasculated shell of a man, but no more! I’ve come to my senses! I’m a MAN god dammit! LOL

In lieu of NOT seeing the Sex in The City Movie, I will be perusing sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com because I’m of the school of thought that what women consider an attractive woman is entirely NOT what a man considers attractive! There I said it. You want to hate on me? Go ahead, but I’ll be doing what I want while you waste two hours plus of your life watching this stink-burger of a film!

3 Responses to “Sex In The City The Motion Picture”

  1. Haha,OH poor Sarah Jessica Parker. I heard she was devastated when MAXIM magazine men’s poll listed her as one of the most unattractive women in Hollywood. She cried for days in Feris’ jelly stomach rolls. Haha I am of course very SUPER so I will be going to see the Sex in the City movie. HOORAY for WOMANHOOD!!

  2. In the words of Peter Griffin, Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a foot.

  3. She was perfect in Hocus Pocus because to me, she looks like a Witch!

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