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Oh Myyyy…. George Takei is Gettin Hitched!

Holy Jeeeezus! George Takei ( Star Trek‘s Mr. Sulu, Announcer for The Howard Stern Show and guest star in NBC’s Heroes ) announced that he will be getting married! According to Takei’s Website, he and longtime partner, Brad Altman, will be taking the plunge now that same sex marriage is legal here in California. George Takei is a real class act; he once replied to an email I sent him after he joined Howard Stern‘s radio talk show. Takei has paved the way for minorities of Asian descent most notably Japanese Americans and Homosexuals alike. He gives Japanese Americans such as myself hope that we can look forward to a future where Asians will be excellent drivers! So good in fact that we may one day be allowed to pilot The Enterprise through outer space! Maybe the Zero G environment will give us Asian Drivers an edge…Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that Star Trek predicted Science Fiction that would one day become Science FACT!

Takei with Altman

May he enjoy the his newfound right to the same misery and stress that straight people have willingly subjected themselves to for several millenniums. Come back from science fiction land, people!! Straight or gay, marriage is a farce! Oh Myyyyy…….

Note: What the hell kind of Japanese name is “Sulu” anyway?

6 Responses to “Oh Myyyy…. George Takei is Gettin Hitched!”

  1. What kind of Japanese name is “Sulu”? A bad one. Then again, Rodenberry was from the generation of science-fiction writers who sided more towards Chinese/Korean sounding names than Japanese.

    The best I can think, is they took the verb “to do” (suru) and Americanized it to “Sulu”. Or even cooler, abbreviated “surudoi” (razor sharp).

  2. Oh Suuluuu, Sulluuuu. He is one of the greatest actors of our time and one of the funniest, most easy going and likable people in the world. His ease at being the butt of many jokes as well as the ability to rib William Shatner better than anyone. Kudos to you Takei! Whatever makes him happy is alright with me!

  3. I’m for this whole same sex marriage thing. I’m hoping we heteros can make a trade with the gays; Marriage for the Rainbow. Give us back our rainbow! You can take marriage off our hands!

  4. I think they should have named him Wong Wei

  5. LMAO! I just think it’s very cool he’s in traditional Japanese garb.

  6. I know. He just got his marriage certificate and will have the ceremony this Fall. I just want to thank you for being the one to blow the lid off of his being a gay YEARS before it was common knowledge. Thank goodness for the Underground Japanese American Gossip Network!

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