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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

The Final, Final, FINAL Countdown!

In keeping with my last post about Gnomes performing The Final Coundown I unearthed one that trumps the last video. Words cannot describe.

All I can say is that THIS is the Asian Man I strive to be; One who just doesn’t give a Whut-Whut? I mean this little nebbish couldn’t even wait to take off his work get up when he got home before bustin this classic out!

4 Responses to “The Final, Final, FINAL Countdown!”

  1. You might be interested in episode 60 of my podcast where I play many many versions of final countdown ( http://beep.podomatic.com/entry/2008-04-25T15_49_43-07_00 ) … On the other hand you may want to run screaming.

  2. It’s a universal truth that drug dealers should not sample their own wares. For Asians, the drug of choice to feed and paralyze the Yankee Pigdogs is a viral meme – Karaoke. He is shaming all of us (by us, I mean Asians) by not only partaking of this horrifying disease we’ve deployed against America, but doing it without any apparent signs of intoxication. As Canadians apologize to the world for Celine Dion, I must apologize for this man. He knows not what he does.

  3. Yeah, my A-Dar thinks he’s Japanese too. But he makes me smile.

  4. Speaking of Canadians, Is it just me, or does he sound like the lead singer from Rush? Gawd I hate that band.

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