1 Yellow Sub
Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.

You Know You’re Getting Old When…

Lo Pan


OK, I’m old, but not as old as Our Friend, David here. I won’t lie. I’m 34… And so is my best buddy J.

Here’s the thing: J really likes dating younger chicks. How young is Young? Like 18.

All judgments aside (it is legal) My problem is this:

If I have a conversation with a you and you don’t know who Mr. T is?

mister t

I Pity Tha Fool! You’re entirely TOO young and We got nuthin t’discuss.

3 Responses to “You Know You’re Getting Old When…”

  1. Haha, you are very right my friend. And while it does disturb me so that teens these days and even those in their early 20s have no idea who Mr. T. is, you forget my amazing ability to just tune them out. When my underage gfs talk, i just hear the sound the adults made in Peanuts. And even better, when i comment and make that sound, “wanwan wangg wan”, they have no idea what I’m talking about!! Sweet!

  2. Alternately, when you say “foo”, they think you’re talking about the “Foo Fighters”. Cut the jibber-jabber and get yo’ foo’ head back to school!

  3. God Bless your Creepy Little Heart!

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