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Opinions Are Like Assholes… The Elderly Have Lost Control Over Theirs.


I used to watch Speed Racer when I was a wee little lad and I always loved it. So when I heard that the dudes that made the Matrix and V For Vendetta were working on it, I was elated!

Speed Race Anime

Well, I just saw Speed Racer. All in all. It was.. Eeeh!

I mean the acting was pretty good, but there was probably all of 30 minutes of acting in a two and a half hour movie. The rest of the movie was just a big psychedelic, seizure inducing, over saturated video game.

Larry Wachowski

We all know the Wachowski Brothers.. Err I mean, Wachowski Brother and Wachowski… Mother?

You know what I mean! That one brother that’s a rather matronly trannie. Anyhoo, there’s one scene that I just about died when watching Speed Racer: They have this character named Taejo Togokhan dress disguised as a woman. I wondered if that had anything to do with the Wachowski Mother. LOL

So all joking aside, John Goodman as Pops was good, so was Emile Hirsch as Speed Racer and Susan Sarandon as Mom. Christina Ricci was okay as Trixie, but her character didn’t really get to do all that much. Matthew Fox as Racer X seemed to play the standard dark brooding hero a la Michael Keaton as Batman. In my opinion, the two actors that play Chim Chim and Spridle stole the show in my opinion. Although there really wasn’t much TO steal!


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